
Customer perspective instead of robot logic: these were the tetralog talks 2018

Customer perspective instead of robot logic: the tenth tetralog talks in October 2018 once again dealt with the change in banking business – and most recently with the question of why (bank) people still don’t think like human beings.

We need a new holistic view

When the approx. 30 invited guests had settled down in the foyer and the clinking of the coffee cups had calmed down, strategist, designer and blogger (diary of the digital age) Julia Peglow opened the Mini-Conference Day. Under the motto “We need a new holistic view” she talked about the change of our time from industrialization until day – and the necessity to carry out this change also (finally, because it is high time!) in our way of thinking: so no longer to think in closed products, but rather in processes and long-term relationships.

Human beings, bank and world relations

Dr. Lothar Jonitz also shared this thought, talking about how (often contrary to the subjective perception of the individual) man, bank and world are inseparably interwoven. The Elastic Lists – a research project of tetralog – in combination with the automatic evaluation of news streams in the net are excellently suited to show the reference horizon of investment products beyond their inherent characteristics. In this way, tetralog presents the connection of the own portfolio with the world “out there” in a comprehensible way, whereby relationships between bank and people can be cultivated and financial products can be networked with the own preferences.

Robo Advisor and User Perspective

Christian Apelt, Head of Consulting at tetralog, described the importance of taking the user perspective for a trusting relationship along the entire AuM buying cycle in his talk on the subject of Robo Advisors. An increase in AuMs by a factor of 10 is expected by 2020. From a business perspective, however, “soft aspects” of Robo Advisors are often overlooked. Christian Apelt spoke about trust points and the crucial importance of very simple fundamental questions such as “What am I buying?”, “How good is the product” and “Does the determined profile fit?” for a trusting customer relationship.

More emotion for Robo-Advisors

Jens Wöhler, Member of the Executive Board S Broker AG & Co. KG, rounded off the day with his talk about emotionality in opening up new customer groups. He drew attention to the fact that the market must not be forgotten when it comes to Robo Advisors: Emotionality and easy access to the topic play a decisive role in opening up new customer groups that have little affinity with technology or were previously rather sceptical. One vision would therefore be a Robo Advisor who is in a position to emotionally charge the topic of “investing money” and reach significantly more people than before.

Conclusion of this day of discussion (with a concluding visit to the Oktoberfest): Despite and because of the disruption of the banking business that has been imminent for a long time, it is important not to lose sight of people – and meet them in their living world by “empathic” banking.

The abstract to the tetralog talks

We look forward to seeing you again next year!

More exchange and discourse in times of change

In the business world, communication primarily takes place in institutionalized channels and forms. There are meetings, calls, chat rooms, memos, powerpoint presentations and naturally for at least 10 years the notoriously overloaded E-mail Box. Strangely enough, the substance of what is discussed seems to decrease in inverse proportion the more digital channels are available. At what level does the discussion of overriding topics take place in day-to-day business? Thoughts on the innovation of one’s own product or on the big strategic direction? How do you get a change of perspective from your own blindness from time to time? There are ways and means, and it is actually not that difficult: new input. Food for thought. Exchange with like-minded people. And a change of location.

For 10 years now, we have been inviting our customers, partners and friends of the company to Munich every autumn for precisely this purpose. Formerly called rather succinct “Customer Day”, this event has not only developed into a beautiful tradition (including a visit to the Oktoberfest), but also into a continuous format for genuine exchange and discourse on changes in the banking business.

Monday, October 1, 2018

Julia Peglow, diary of the digital age, Consultant & Writer
Digital Renaissance: Change of perspective for new thinking

Dr. Lothar Jonitz, CEO, tetralog systems AG
Interfaces: Interactions between money and the world

15.15 Uhr
Christian Apelt, Head of Consulting, tetralog systems AG
Robo Advisor: Professionalization on the way to customer confidence?

15.15 Uhr
Jens Wöhler, Member of the Executive Board, S Broker AG & Co. KG
Robo Advice: The future emoticon of securities investment?